Wednesday 5 November 2014

Magic Squares 6 : Creating a 5x5 magic square using 25 consecutive integers given the sum of a row or a column

Problem Background : A 5x5 magic square is an arrangement of 25 squares arranged in 5 rows and 5 columns. We are given a sum S which is the sum of any row or column. We need to arrange 25 consecutive integers in the square.

Solution : If the sum of a row is S, S also needs to be the sum of any other row or any other column.

General solution of a 5x5 magic square when sum of a row or column is given.
Derived corollary : It can be noted that for the numbers in individual squares to be positive integers, S must be a multiple of 5 and S must be greater than or equal to 60.

Note that this solution is however only a special case of the general solution:

General solution of a 5x5 magic square when sum of a row or column is given.
Note that in the image above, substitute d as the difference between the terms.
Say if the terms are 1,3,5,7,.. d=2.

The numbers in individual squares are positive integers when:
S>60d and S is a multiple of 5.

The above result can be derived from Magic Squares 5 .

Thus, S=5a+60d. After this, we merely substitute for a and simplify.


© Rishabh Bidya

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