Friday 29 August 2014

Surprise your buddies: A wonderful number trick

The trick:

We tell our friend to think of any random number. Then perform some random operations on it and .. Surprise! We tell him the final answer.

Note: Before we start the trick, we must think of two numbers, a and m. a is the number that we want as our answer and m is an arbitrary multiplier. Preferably a and m should be small for our convenience during arithmetic operations. Of course, we never disclose a and m to our friend before or during the trick !!

Let us begin !!

i) Think of a and m.
ii) Multiply a and m. P=a*m.

iii) Tell your friend to think of any number, say x.
iv) Tell him to multiply x with m.
v) Tell him to subtract P from the obtained product of x and m.
vi) Now, tell your buddy to divide the obtained difference by m.
vii) Now, you tell your friend to subtract the obtained quotient from x.

TADA !! Tell your friend - The answer is a.

Let us try the trick (An example) :

i) I think of two numbers:
   a=3. (3 should be my final answer.)
ii) P=6.

iii) You think of a number, say 7.         (x=7)
iv) Multiply 7 with 2. Result is 14.
v) Subtract 6 from 14. Result is 8.       (P=6)
vi) Divide obtained difference by 2, i.e. 8 by 2. Result is 4      (Here our m=2. Therefore, we divide difference by 2).
vii) Subtract obtained result from the number you had thought first, i.e. Subtract 4 from 7.

The answer is 3 !!!

© Rishabh Bidya


  1. Indeed, Randy .. But it can be done by only those who are a bit better at math .. ANd that means it can be guessed by less than 1% of the population. ;)
