Thursday 13 August 2015

Divisibility Revised

Every natural number (greater than 1) is divisible by two natural numbers, i.e. 1 and itself. Therefore, every natural number greater than 1 has at least two factors. Prime numbers have only two factors.

Note: 1 is neither a prime nor a composite number.

Divisibility hints:

2- Any natural number is divisible by 2 when the the digit at its unit place is any one among 0,2,4,6,8. Example: 22,4,36.

3- A natural number is divisible by 3 when the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.
For example, To check if 35892 is divisible by 3, we find the sum of digits.
27 is divisible by 3. Therefore, 35892 is divisible by 3.

4- A natural number is divisible by 4 when the number formed by digits at ten's and unit's place respectively is divisible by 4.
For example, To check if 35892 is divisible by 4:
The number formed by ten's and unit's place is 92
92 is divisible by 4. Therefore, 35892 is divisible by 4.

5- Any natural number is divisible by 5 when the the digit at its unit place is any one among 0 or 5. Example: 25, 93670.

7- A natural number is divisible by 7 when the difference between twice the digit at unit's place and the number formed by rest of the digits is 0 or a multiple of 7.
For example, Consider 196.
Twice the digit at unit's place=2*6=12
Number formed by rest of the digits=19
Therefore, 196 is divisible by 7.

11- Take the sum S1 of the digits at odd places and the sum S2 of the digits at even places. If the difference between S1 and S2 is 0 or any multiple of 11, the number is divisible by 11.
For example, To check if 3852101 is divisible by 11:
S1= 1+1+5+3=10, S2= 0+2+8=10, S1-S2=0
Therefore, the given number 3852101 is divisible by 11.

2^n- If the number formed by last n digits of the natural number is divisible by 2^n, the number is divisible by 2^n.
For example,
If the number formed by last 4 digits of a natural number is divisible by 16, the natural number is divisible by 16. Consider 7856981600.
Similarly, If the number formed by last 5 digits of a natural number is divisible by 32, the natural number is divisible by 32.

5^n- If the number formed by last n digits of the natural number is divisible by 5^n, the number is divisible by 5^n.
For example,
If the number formed by last 2 digits of a natural number is divisible by 25, the natural number is divisible by 25. Consider 625.

3^n- If the sum of the digits of a natural number is divisible by 3^n, the natural number is divisible by 3^n.
For example,
If the sum of the digits of a natural number is divisible by 9, the natural number is divisible by 9. Consider 728109.

6^n- If a natural number is divisible by 2^n and 3^n, it is divisible by 6^n.
For example,
If a natural number is divisible by 4 and 9, it is divisible by 36.

10^n- If a natural number has n consecutive zeroes beginning from the unit's place of the number, it is divisible by 10^n.
For example,
If a number has 3 consecutive zeroes beginning from the unit's place, it is divisible by 1000. Consider 378000.

Note: If a natural number is divisible by two co-prime numbers, it is also divisible by the product of the co-prime numbers.
Thus, if a natural number is divisible by 3 and 4, it is also divisible by 12. Consider 576.
The vice versa of the statement is also true.
Thus to check if a number is divisible by 42, it suffices to check if it is divisible by 6 and 7.

- Rishabh Bidya